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Children and Youth

Children's Formation

Guided by skillful and loving teachers, children grow in faith hearing the stories of the Bible as presented through lessons prepared by the Episcopal Church.  The curriculum is lectionary-based, meaning that children hear the lesson or lessons that are read in worship that Sunday.

Christian Education 02

Youth Confirmation

Young persons preparing for Confirmation receive instruction around ninth grade. This time of learning focuses on what it means to be a Christian in the Episcopal tradition. We review the Bible, the creeds, and the history of our denomination, and talk about what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. Only a Bishop can confirm, so Confirmation Instruction is scheduled to coincide with a Bishop’s visit to Trinity.

Vacation Bible School

In an intergenerational Trinity treat which occurs every summer, children of the parish join many of our youth and adults for a week of fun and learning. Whatever the theme, whatever the format, VBS is always a joyful endeavor.

Vacation Bible School 2022

Made by God: Celebrating God's Gloriously Diverse World with Shiloh AME Zion, Grace Baptist, and Lighthouse Deliverance churches!


We came together with the Love of God in our hearts, and we left with a Love for each other.  

More Resources for Children and Youth

The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina offers a wealth of activities for teens. Trinity youth participating in many of these diocesan activities have experienced fun, inspiration, companionship, and growth. Information about the diocesan youth programs can be found at


Another resource available to our youth is Camp Kanuga, located in the beautiful mountains outside of Hendersonville, NC. The website for Camp Kanuga is

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