Answering God's Call to Love and Serve
Trinity Episcopal Outreach
Iredell Christian Ministries
Iredell Christian Ministries (ICM), which Trinity supports through several programs, has been helping people in need throughout Iredell County since 2007. It is a volunteer-run organization that works with families on a one-on-one basis, keeps track of their needs and current statuses, and assists with crisis needs as well as long-term needs. With the help of volunteers from fifteen church congregations and the community at large, a relationship with the Second Harvest Food Bank of NW North Carolina, the assistance of local grocery stores, and donated funds, ICM today serves close to 800 families per month!
For more information on Iredell Christian Ministries, please visit www.iredellcm.org. Donations to Iredell Christian Ministries can be made at http://www.iredellcm.org/howtohelp.html.

Habitat For Humanity
In celebration of Trinity’s 50-year history of service to the Statesville community, Trinity’s congregation pledged $25,000 and 200 hours of service to Habitat through March of 2020. The congregation met both the financial pledge and the workday pledge, and our commitment continues.
New this fall, Habitat is introducing their "Critical Home Repair Program" for the Statesville area. This program, which is designed to restore an existing home to a safe and healthy structure for people in need, is significantly more cost effective than building a new home from scratch. More information on the new Critical Home Repair Program is available in this brief video and at the Habitat website.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Trinity sponsors two blood drives each year for the American Red Cross. For more information on the Red Cross please visit www.Redcrossblood.org.

Can-Do Food Drive
The Can-Do Food Drive program is held in October each year and provides much needed food items for Iredell Christian Ministries. The average amount of food items donated each year by Trinity volunteers exceeds 1,600 pounds. Donated canned and dry food items are collected in the narthex during the month of October and then transported to Iredell Christian Ministries. For more information on Iredell Christian Ministries, please visit www.iredellcm.org.

Yard Sale
The yard sale event is usually held on the first Saturday of May. Volunteers from Trinity’s preschool and congregation collect donations, which include clothes, shoes, household items, furniture, sporting goods, lawn equipment, and other unique items. The proceeds from this event are split between Trinity’s preschool and a local charity.

Mitchell Career Clothes Closet
The Career Closet program sponsors a wardrobe closet at the College for students, typically age 20 to 30 years, who are interviewing or starting new careers. Donations are brought to the church narthex and then transported to the College Career Closet by volunteers. The most needed ladies’ items are dress slacks, skirts, tops, dresses, pumps, scarfs, and costume jewelry. The most needed men’s items are dress slacks, sport coats, dress shirts, belts, and dress shoes.

Rise Against Hunger Meat Packing Event
The Rise Against Hunger program provides millions of meals to those in need around the world. Trinity volunteers joined with volunteers from Grace Baptist Church last year to fund and pack 10,000 meals. Trinity plans to participate in this program again in 2021. For more information on RAH, please visit www.riseagainsthunger.org.

Community Garden
The Community Garden is comprised of a number of garden beds and a labyrinth. The gardens are rented by individuals to grow vegetables, some of which are for their own use and some of which are sold to the congregation, with that money going to Iredell Christian Ministries. Renters do NOT have to be members of Trinity Church, and there are several who are not. The Garden is always looking for volunteers to help mow, weed, and rebuild the garden beds as needed.

Annual Oyster Roast
The Oyster Roast is Trinity’s primary annual charity fundraising event. This event is normally held in early January and features roasted oysters, Brunswick stew, appetizers, salad, desert, beer, wine, and soft drinks. Proceeds from this event are donated to community charities. The proceeds from the 2019 and 2020 Roasts provided a significant portion of Trinity’s $25,000 pledge for Habitat for Humanity.

Fifth Street Ministries
Fifth Street Ministries offers care, resources, and compassion to the homeless, the impoverished, and the working poor in Statesville, Mooresville, and Iredell County. They provide beds for people with no place to sleep, food for those with nothing to eat, and support for those who are alone or struggling. Fifth Street does not offer handouts or enable self-destructive behavior. Instead, they work alongside the people they serve, helping them live their best life possible.
For more information on Fifth Street Ministries please visit www.fifthstreetministries.com.

Angel Tree
Trinity’s Angel Tree program begins in November each year and provides needed items for Fifth Street Ministries. Trinity youth make angel decorations for the church tree, decorations which list Christmas gifts needed by residents of Fifth Street Ministries. Trinity members choose angel gifts to fulfill and place the wrapped gifts, with the angel decorations attached, under the tree. Volunteers transport the angel gifts to Fifth Street Ministries a few days prior to Christmas. For more information on Fifth Street Ministries please visit www.fifthstreetministries.com.

Trinity Artist Series
Have you ever attended an event that had a profound effect on your soul? This is how the arts can be experienced by people of all ages and stages. The Trinity Artist Series is committed to creating such events for our community, offering a variety of musical and visual programs that are presented in our beautiful sanctuary or spacious parish hall at 3:00 P.M. on selected Sundays.
For more information and news of upcoming Trinity Artist Series events, click here to be taken to the TAS website.