Even though some of our worship services are temporarily restricted, the church's needs are not. Trinity still has expenses related to our building and our ministries. In as much as you are able, please keep up with your financial commitments to the church. Please know that gifts you make through the "Donate" buttons below will be correctly handled and recorded.
Three ways you can give:
Mail a check to the church address (801 Henkel Road, Statesville, NC 28677), either by hand or through your online banking.
Hand deliver a check to the church. You can slip an envelope between the double doors at the front of the church building, near the church office (not the narthex).
Use one of the "Donate" buttons below.
Please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover the bank processing fee. This will enable Trinity to make use of your entire contribution. Thank you.
General Donation
Apply toward my Stewardship Pledge
Rector's Discretionary Fund